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The Noble Suites
20 Broad Street
Brockville, Ontario
K6V 4T7

Take exit 696 Hwy 29/Stewart Boulevard South
Follow this street south until one block before the river you cross Water St.
We are immediately on your right with the blue and gold pillars and 2 cannon in front and our parking lot beside it. Park anywhere .
Don't be alarmed that Stewart Boulevard changes name to William St. then to Court House Terrace as it snakes left around the Court House then Court House Avenue as it turns right to continue south and changes name yet again to Broad St. as you pass the lights at King St.
We are on the south west corner one block south of King St at Water Street.
By Train
We are only a few blocks from the station. Taxis will be waiting at the station. Ask to go to 20 Broad St. (a short inexpensive trip)
By Boat
We are a block from the very safe harbour marina with transient docking.
By Air via Ottawa International
We are about an hour and 1/4 away. Brockville Executive Taxi at 613 342 2000 can provide service by prearrangement. They are a Brockville, not Ottawa, company.